Now we know how to create arrays you know a very classical way. It's a way of months. But this is like we're not going to use it regularly. OK. It's the most classical way but it's the least practical because we have Top Online Marketing company in USA America to specify the size and everything. So if I say my number three how can I create not bothering with specifying size and everything. It's much more practical than creating these streaming here
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Alexa Academy - We have created and not by specifying size and everything not by adding the elements k. So if I say print line now and my number is I have to say Dot deaths in order to have any particular member and as you can see I have several options in here. A kind of maybe Top Online Marketing company in USA America slightly different options that I am of mutts likes to say my number is
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Bloom Digital - And if I run this I will see the size of my number and how much is the size. It's Phyfe right. One two three four five and I can see how many members do I how in my number array. So another thing may be to do with my number. If I can say Dot death I tune just yes the particular index. And if I just say that sat I can change the particular index-like. It will ask me two parameters.
DigiPro - First is the index. Maybe if you want to change the way to Turkey or what will you write if you want to change Turkey. You will write right now. Tree because it starts with zero and the value will be something like zero or a million. And no just say for right now and it's going to change turvy into. So if you say print line my number and index will be again. And the second index is the third member. It's going to be but not Ciardi this time but through either, because we have already changed the.
Online tricks Academy - So you now know how to work with this. It's like. But what if I want to add something to this. OK. I want to get something I can just use this to get or I can do the classical way as well and it will give me the same results. But what if I want to add something. I don't see any ADD or a tenth because the arrays are actually objects that help predefined size Top Online Marketing company in USA America predefined capacity as you can see we cannot add or append or anything. It generally has these functions but arrays do not have.
How can I create some arrays without limiting their capacity at first? That is done with lists. And we're going to see how to do it within the next lecture.
In order to clarify your subject of creating a raise without initial capacity, we will now learn how to create lists. OK. So lists are actually an array. It's kind of a. But we're not going to define the size first or we're not going to have any limited capacity but rather we will have an IRA but it's not going to show any size or thing so lists how do we define this. Let's take an example of Top Online Marketing company in USA America to let's say Well my musician. OK so I'm going to create an array containing musicians and it's going to be an array list. OK. So choose the list from those options and within these angler parentheses again you have to specify Diakite. So I will have some strings K after that.
I can just add did many musicians as I prefer. Like my musician that adds play the first musician adding to his dreams as usual. And the second musician is actually let's say who us here today. And for now, let's a print line. Zuri lists. Ok, so my musician and let's run this and see what do we have. As you can see we have James and Lars as on Eric USA. Put right. So it's displaying the elements in order of our adding So I added the James first and it displays James first. So why did I want to add Kirk between James and Lars? I can say ads with Top Online Marketing company in USA America index k so I can say add the one and the element that I want to add is Kirche. Right. So what it will do let's print line is my machine again and see if we can see the kirk and if it's placed between James and Luchs go down here. And as you can see now the Kirk is placed between James and the nurse because I added to Kirk in the first acts as a second member. Right. Because again the index starts with zero. Not one always the stars with you.
. OK. Now you have seen how to create lists as well. Most of the time in our projects we will use these are lists because it's much more flexible and it's easy to work with. So now we're done with arrays a list of everything. Let's stop here and continue with in the next lecture with our basics of Kotler.